
1 cup flour

1 cup sugar

1/2 cup vanilla custard powder or cornflour

1 tsp.baking powder

1 tsp.baking soda

a pinch of salt

1/2 cup oil

1/2 cup hot water

1/2 cup cold milk

1 tsp.vanilla essence

2 tblsp.yoghurt /white vinegar/lime juice

Mix the dry ingredients,and the wet ingredients separately.

Add the wet ingredients,to the dry ingredients and mix well without any lumps.

Pour into lined and greased tin and bake in a moderate oven (180 degrees)for 25 to 30 mins)

Dark chocolate cake:Replace the custard powder quantity with cocoa powder.Ice with chocolate buttercream or fresh cream/ganache.

Red velvet cake:Same ingredients as for the chocolate cake.Replace the milk with1 boiled and pureed beetroot.Ice with cream cheese frosting.

Caramel cake:Replace the milk with caramel syrup (vanilla cake ingredients).Ice with caramel icing

Date cake :Chocolate cake recipe.Add 1/2 cup dates to the hot water.Add walnuts or nuts if you like

Fruit cake :

Chocolate cake with boiled orange:Same as for chocolate cake.Boil the orange for 10 minutes.Cool and blend with the rind.Replace milk with the pulp.Ice with chocolate ganache

These cakes are very soft and have a good texture and do not taste like eggless.

Happy eggless baking!


  1. Hi Calin s kitchen, great job !!!! I wanted to know the usage of cold milk…..coz the recipes generally call in for ingredients at room temp…


    • Hi aparna!Thanks for your appreciation which is always an energiser to me.well abt.the cold milk it makes no me.Iv used cold milk and there has been no difference in taste or texture.


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